

40 centuries ago, the Egiptians and the Chinese have discovered the benefic effects of the essential oils. The Arabians have approached the same theme of scientific bases, as authors of some scripts containing studies about some botanic species.

Rene Maurice Gattefosse, a french chemist, one of the fonders of modern aromotherapy, has discovered almost by accident the healing properties of some aromatic oils, in the years 20’s of the last century.

The aromotherapy universe presumes alleviation with the perfumes’ help. This type of treatment is addressed not only to the body, but to the soul and the intelect, reestablishing the equilibrium of those entities.

The essential oil is a real force which can swing the various aspects of the human being: physic, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Aquajet developed a line of essential oils exclusively destined to the acrylic bathtubs with hydro-massage systems, unspuming, not agressive to the materials used and absolutely safe for skin and health in general.


– Based on thyme and mint, with calming and emolliente properties, adjuvant for cold symptoms.

REFRESH – Sorts of conifer perfumes (pine), with antiseptic and antidepressive properties, for mental and physical stress situations.

RELAX- Floral bouquet with jasmine, note of the soul without worries, relaxes the nervous system. It is enriched with citric and musk flavour, warm perfume with wood aroma.

ENERGY – On bergamot basis, adjuvantin case of accentuate fatigueness, anxiety and depression, with floral aroma of  ylang-ylang, has a rebalancing and afrodisiac effect

UTILIZATION Delivered in single use wrapper, the content of a bottle is being used at a single bath or depending on the preferences.
It doesn’t produce spume, doesn’t affect the materials and doesn’t damage the health.

Products from the category aromatherapy