CNC Processing

Category path: CNC Processing

CNC Processing (Computer Numerical Control) 2.5 ... 5a xe and design in SolidWorks, are specific to extensive areas of:

1. Advertising industry to create molds for:

- volumetric signs polystyrene, plexiglass, PVC, etc..

- plexiglass light boxes, dibond, poliplan, etc..

- totems (similar to light boxes, are used mainly to indicate the station)

- volumetric letters

- poliplan covers, polycarbonate, acrylic

- billboards

2. Machine building industry:

- Aircraft: models, blades, bathroom furniture, etc..

- Railway: models, body, bath furniture, etc.

- Auto: body, tuning, car furniture, military armored cars, etc..

3. Production of furniture:

- Composite (for sofa)

- The creation mobilierelor bath or office.

4. Agriculture

- The creation Bodies for Machinery

5. Theater, cinema, art, and architecture machetism:

- Various decoration items, boxes for storage and protection instrumentre music, music instrumentre components, etc..

6. Molds for any industrial containers

7. Molds objects small and large childcare (for children from various objects in trays tablespoons to bath, Olite, chairs, etc..)

8. Molds for achieving cosmetics (soaps, containers)

9. Rubber molds for casting (eg pavements)

10. Candle Molds and interior design objects

11. Molds sanitary (tubs, trays, minipicine etc ...)

CNC machines Belform of products offers the possibility:

  • 3D modeling of positive of negative, hand-finished and / or CNC.
  • Creating models of different sizes and shapes of different materials
    (Ex: Dural, wood, chipboard, MDF, receipts modeling, injected or extruded plastic, rigid foam polymerized, resin reinforced with fiberglass, carbon fiber-reinforced resins, polyester or epoxy resin reinforced with other fibers, polystyrene extruded and expanded, etc.).
  • Processing CNC 3-axis maximum dimensions continue to 2500x2750x1000 mm rolling stock.
  • Processing CNC 5 axis continue at full size stock 2000x2500x1000 mm material.

Accuracy of processing:
- For material easy to chip density less than 0.6g / cm³ less than 0.5 mm (ie: extruded and expanded polystyrene, plastic and rigid foam polymerized, resin, etc.).
- For material easily chips with higher density of 0.6g / cm³ under 0.1mm (ie: Dural, wood, chipboard, MDF, injected or extruded plastic, rigid foam polymerized, resin, etc.).